The Summit Church of Christ          Ludington, Michigan
(231) 843-1884
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Summit News: June 9th, 2024

UPDATES: Barb Kelly had successful surgery on Tuesday for her broken leg. Therese’ Loudermilk has been doing much better with her shoulder since surgery. Also, her gastroparesis has been stable lately. She will see a specialist again in August. Aubrey Loudermilk will be on crutches for 4-6 weeks because of her dislocated hip.
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SHULTS-LEWIS CHILDREN’S HOME: Collection was $1,335.00 from the church here for their yearly grocery drive. Our V.B.S. kids also brought $490.72 in mostly coins for the Shults-Lewis needs. GREAT job kids and all others who pitched in!
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THANKS: To Jordyn Ahlfeld for preparing the Lord’s Table and to Dan & Linda Sanford for cleaning the building this month. SCHEDULED FOR JULY: Prepare the Lord’s Table- Damon & Serena Beaver and Clean the building- Norm & Chris Sanford.
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ESCANABA: To give to “Let the Bible Speak” for July, please see Norm Sanford today.
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5th SUNDAY: Scriptures & Songs is tonight. Let’s all be back for this special time of worship.
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NEW SCHEDULES: For men who serve in worship are on the back table.
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ELDERS & DEACONS SELECTION: Please submit names of men in writing that you desire to serve. Give the names to Norm Sanford or Ron Peterson. Today is the last day for this.
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FIRST WEDNESDAY CLASSES: Are this Wednesday night. Men, read chapter 5 in the “Convicted” book to prepare for class. 
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ANNUAL PICNIC: Will be at Dan & Linda Sanford’s house this Thursday July 4th. Bring your own meat for grilling at 4:00 and we’ll eat at 5:00. And please bring a dish or two to share.
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WORK DAY: To move furniture & remove linoleum and carpet in the foyer, office, and nursery will be this Saturday at 9:00 A.M. Please bring flat shovels and any other removal tools.
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CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING: Will be Sunday July 14th following a brief time of worship.